Welcome to Try.Hyland


Welcome to Try.Hyland, a website dedicated to providing hands-on access to live software. Here, you can quickly learn about Hyland offerings and see how they can be used to address various business challenges. The software configurations found on this website are only examples and do not reflect every potential option for how a solution could be configured. If you would like to see a custom demonstration based on your organization's need, please contact your account manager, or click the Contact Me button found throughout the site. We're also always in the process of adding new content.

Welcome Page  


Register for a Hyland ID

While Try.Hyland is publicly visible, most of the site does require a login in order to take full advantage of its resources. Registering for a login is easy however. Simply follow the steps below.

1) Navigate to https://id.hyland.com/signin/register.
2) Fill out the web form with your information and click register. You will receive an email notification with steps on how to proceed.





In the context of Try.Hyland, a solution can represent a module, product, or sample configuration that potentially includes both. While some solutions found on the site can be comprehensive and incorporate multiple users as part of a larger business process, others may be simple and solve a clearly defined business challenge.

Solution Pages

The solution page provides a high-level overview of what the solution is, the business challenges that it solves, and some of the key features that it offers. There are also action buttons on the left side of the page allow you to interact with the solution in various ways.



Solution Actions

Actions allow you to interact with the solution in various ways. While some solutions may have additional actions, the vast majority of solutions offer the following actions:

  • Launch Demo Lab
  • Contact Me
  • Learn More
  • View Premium Training
Launch Demo Lab

Mostof the solutions found on Try.Hyland come in the form of a lab. Labs are pre-configured environments that are created each time a user clicks the Launch Demo Lab button, and each lab comes with a step-by-step walkthrough of the solution. Labs are created dynamically, and it may take a minute or two for the lab to start (just like when you turn on your computer). Because of this, you may notice instances where the first occurrence of an action (i.e. opening a document, submitting a form, etc.) may take slightly longer than subsequent actions. Please note that this is a result of the environment itself and not the underlying software.

*Labs are temporary environments and are not intended to be used for activities that require long-term access (such as configuring a solution). If you have a request to support such needs, please contact your account manager.*

Lab Interface 

If you have dual monitors or would like to split the instruction panel from the lab window, you can do so by clicking the "Split Windows" option from the lab menu.

Split Windows 

Please feel free to leave your feedback on a lab after you're finished. We value your opinion and use your ideas to further improve the experience for all users.

End of Lab Survey 

*If your lab is not finished but you would like to still provide feedback, you can do so by ending the lab from the lab menu. Simply click "End" and then either select "End my lab and mark it as complete" or "Cancel my lab."

End Lab 

Contact Me

Have additional questions about the solution or want to talk to an expert about it? Click the Contact Me button.

Contact Me Form 

Learn More

The Learn More button takes you to the related Community page for the solution. While Try.Hyland is great for quickly learning about an offering, Hyland Community is better suited for finding technical documentation and interacting with product experts.

**Hyland Community is only available to current customers**

Learn More 

View Premium Training

The View Premium Training button directs you to Training.Hyland.com where training material related to the solution is available. Premium Training includes detailed information on how to configure the solution.

Premium Training 


Hyland Exchange

The Hyland Exchange is our curated showcase of downloadable configurations and examples.

These pre-built files can help you springboard a project that you have or help you explore ways to solve different business and technical needs that your organization has. Some of the things you can find on the Hyland Exchange include our “concept solutions” and example integrations to third party products.

Hyland Exchange 

In addition to the solution export, each solution also contains screen shots, an import guide (for configurations that require environment-specific details), and a list of prerequisites.

Hyland Exchange Solution 



Users can also subscribe to Try.Hyland Announcements which are sent sent each time a new solution or feature is added to the site. Please note that announcements are only to logged in users.

Announcements Menu Item 

Simply click the subscribe button to start receiving future notifications. Please note that announcements are only available to users that are logged in. 

Announcements Page 


Need Assistance?

Assistance Requests

Have a question or running into a challenge on the site? Submit an Assistance Request and a team member will reach out to assist. Please note that the assistance request only applies to Try.Hyland.com. If you are looking for assistance related to your production, test or QA/UAT environments, please contact your first line of support.

Assistance Request 

Frequently Asked Questions


The Hyland ID is the single account that allows users to access Try.Hyland.com, Training.Hyland.com, and the Hyland Community (site access may vary based on user's role). While a Hyland ID is not required to view Try.Hyland, one is required to access anything beyond the landing page and search results pages.

Please see the Register for a Hyland ID section for more information on how to register for a Hyland ID.

No. The Hyland ID is a single account that determines permissions for all three sites. Users that already have a Hyland ID can login with the same credentials and should not request a separate account.


I'm looking to do X on Try.Hyland

Unity Forms (OnBase)- Learn about the benefits of Unity Forms through hands-on experience. In this course you will be introduced to Unity Forms configuration. Add both keyword and non-keyword fields to a form, work with AutoFill Keyword Sets and Cascading Data Sets, and go over line items, drafts, themes and publishing.

Workflow (OnBase)- You've heard how using Workflow can transform your OnBase solution, but have you ever had the chance to be a part of the configuration process? If not, get your first hands-on experience with Workflow with this course. This lab will go over the initial set-up of a life cycle.

WorkView (OnBase)- You've likely heard about Hyland's low-code application building capabilities, but have you actually seen how easy it is to build an app? Build your first application and see how a platform like OnBase can be used to support the changing needs of your business.

Workflow (Perceptive Content)- You've heard how using Workflow can transform your Perceptive Content solution, but have you ever had the chance to be a part of the configuration process? If not, get your first hands-on experience with Workflow with this course.

Yes! The "Try the Hyland Cloud" page contains solutions that are hosted in a live Hyland Cloud environment. The tool can be leveraged to answer questions like "What will it look like for my end users to connect to the cloud?" and "What can I expect performance to look like for common tasks like uploading/retrieving documents, submitting forms, and executing workflow tasks?"

Learn more about the Try the Hyland Cloud solutions.

Yes! The Concept Solution Library page contains solutions that were build using Hyland's low-code app building tool, WorkView. On this page you can see several examples of apps built using WorkView and can even learn how to begin building your first application as well.

Learn more about the Concept Solution Library.


Site Content

In most cases you will see at a minimum the latest LTR (Long Term Release) available on the site. There will also be instances where the latest EP (Enhancement Pack) will be available.


Requesting Assistance

