
Premium Subscription Hands-on Labs

Learn by doing with Premium Hands-On Labs – technical training in a risk-free environment. Try out the four free Premium Hands-On Lab courses below to go beyond theory and straight to the software. And these four courses just scratch the surface of what’s possible. You can gain access to dozens of Hands-On Labs for every member of your organization by purchasing Premium Subscription.

On-demand risk-free training environments for Hyland products

A growing course gallery, with labs for Workflow, Unity Forms, and more

Available to your entire organization with Premium Subscription

Comes with step-by-step instructions, to provide guidance as you learn

Trackable progress, so you never have to worry about losing your place

Four Free Premium Hands-On Labs

Unity Forms: Hands-On Lab (Part 1)

Learn about the benefits of Unity Forms through hands-on experience. In this course you will be introduced to Unity Forms configuration. Add both keyword and non-keyword fields to a form, work with AutoFill Keyword Sets and Cascading Data Sets, and go over line items, drafts, themes and publishing.

Workflow: Hands-On Lab (Introduction - Part 1)

You've heard how using Workflow can transform your OnBase solution, but have you ever had the chance to be a part of the configuration process? If not, get your first hands-on experience with Workflow with this course. This lab will go over the initial set-up of a life cycle.

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