WorkView Booster Pack 1
What is WorkView Example: Booster Pack 1?

Booster Pack 1 is a curated collection of WorkView applications created over the last two years that make great examples of how customers could leverage WorkView. These solutions vary from simple ACE Files to Concept Solutions.

Where can I find these solutions?

Users can launch the virtual lab to the left in order to start to explore the available applications at a high level. Additionally, individual walk through scenarios will be created for each application here on Try Hyland under the Concept Solution Library to explore each solution more in depth. If interested in receiving the solution after walking through it, you can reach out to or check out our page on Community for more details on how to receive these files.

What content will be available?

For each solution there will be a solution description, import files, and an installation guide. More context such as architectural documents, screenshots, recommended licensing, and more will be made available on the Application Builder Community Resource page as seen fit to the application.

What is included in Booster Pack 1?

For each solution there will be a solution description, import files, and an installation guide. More context such as architectural documents, screenshots, recommended licensing, and more will be made available on the Application Builder Community Resource page as seen fit to the application.